The ICEPlex System

An Automated, High Multiplex Real-Time PCR Instrument
The ICEPlex System is an automated, high throughput and high multiplex real-time PCR and capillary electrophoresis instrument. The system is capable of running up to 48 samples and reporting on up to 60 targets per sample in 3.5 hours. Multiple calibrators and standards are also included in each sample, so there is no need to run these in a separate well.
The result? More high quality answers per well.
ICEPlex Instrument Components
- High Pressure Gel Fluidic System monitoring pressure during fill
- Peltier-based 96-well Thermal Cycler with a removal plate clamping mechanism
- Robotics module in X, Y, and Z translation
- Low Pressure Fluidic System for reagent replenishment
- Capillary Electrophoresis Cartridge with its own information storage and use history
- Two Solid State Lasers for fluorescent excitation (488 nm & 639 nm)
- Hyperspectral imaging cooled CCD camera (122 x 1024 pixels)
- Capillary temperature regulating system
- System data, sensors and monitors, and recording system
To learn more about the ICEPlex platform, contact us to schedule an evaluation.
Read frequently asked questions about using the ICEPlex instrument.